The international negotiations of a legally binding instrument to end plastic pollution represent a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to enable the systems change required for a circular plastics economy. A UN treaty on plastic pollution would not only benefit the environment, but will also bring benefits to businesses around the world. 

A UN treaty can create a level playing field across the plastic value chain, reduce complexity and compliance risks, and accelerate industry transformation learning from existing voluntary initiatives.

The Business Coalition for a Global Plastics Treaty, convened by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and WWF, brings together a global group of businesses across the plastics value chain, financial institutions, and key non-governmental organisations (NGOs) who are committed to supporting the development of an ambitious and effective global treaty to end plastic pollution. 

Over +200 organisations have joined the Business Coalition for a Global Plastics Treaty to date, all of which share a common purpose; achieving a circular economy for plastics and to end plastic pollution. This is why they have all endorsed the Business Coalition’s Vision Statement  as we strive to support governments in the negotiation process to land an ambitious, legally binding treaty in line with circular economy principles. 

By supporting the efforts of the Business Coalition, your organisation can:

  • Be part of a group of leading business voices calling for an ambitious Global Plastics Treaty

Your organisation can amplify the voice of ambitious businesses from across the world in the intergovernmental negotiation process. This is the single best opportunity we have to drive systems change on plastic pollution. 

  • Advocate for a level playing field

The Business Coalition offers organisations the opportunity to engage in the policy development process and to actively engage in the advocacy efforts. A weak or ineffective treaty represents one of the biggest business risks to companies who have publicly committed to addressing the plastic pollution crisis. 

  • Stay close to the political process that will shape global plastic policies and drive systems change for the future of plastics 

As a supporter of the Business Coalition, you will have access to regular updates on the political process and what it means for business. This will allow you to keep up to speed with key developments and inform key stakeholders within the business of the upcoming legislation. 

There are no fees to join the Coalition, however your organisation's leadership needs to endorse the Coalition’s overarching Vision to become a part of this group. For further details see the Eligibility Criteria and the ‘Business Coalition: At a glance’ document. 

Join our coalition


Would you like to find out more about what it means to be a supporter of the Business Coalition for a Global Plastics Treaty? Join our monthly General Information Webinar, hosted by the Business Coalition Secretariat. 

This webinar is for  prospective joiners of the Business Coalition as well as new colleagues from the existing Business Coalition network. Attendees will receive a brief  overview of: 

  • what the Business Coalition stands for
  • why organisations should join and how
  • ways of working at the global and national policy level
  • the impact of the Coalition since its launch in September 2022. 

Further webinars to be announced in January 2024